European Fluxes Database Cluster

Codes sharing

In this section codes, including both the executable and the source codes in C, are shared. The codes are shared as they are and we don't have resources to give support on their use and interpretation. Please read carefully the license of sharing (BSD). The code sharing will be soon migrated in a GitHub folder but for the moment, in particular for didactic purposes, they are accessible here. Together with the executable code an example file is provided in order to check the format requested.

USTAR threshold

The code is based on the method described in Reichstein et al. 2005 and Papale et al. 2006 with few modifications. It is the one used for the production of the FLUXNET2015 collection. It calculates ustar threshold and the its uncertainty based on bootstrapping.

Gapfilling with MDS

The code is based on the method described in Reichstein et al. 2005. It is the one used for the production of the FLUXNET2015 collection. It applies the Marginal Distribution Sampling gapfilling method to fill gaps in a variable. Can be used to fill gaps of different fluxes.

Executable codes: download here
Source codes in C: download here