GHG Europe Database

GHG-Europe Specific Data

In this section of the database specific measurement and data collected for GHG-Europe are presented and available. Some of the dataset have been acquired and provided by external project partners and for this reason could have specific data policies and access restrictions.

The products available are listed in the table below. To access the data click on the "Get it" link. It will be requested to log-in and if you are authorized to access the data the file will be immediately available. If you are an external user, the request to authorize you to access the data will be automatically submitted to the data owner that will authorize or not the download. If authorized you will receive qan email with a link to download the data.

Please note that these data are available under a data policy agreement that is attached to each single file and alos available in the Guideline section of this site.


Data available


Variable Description Responsible Period Download
Forest data Global database with information about forest biomass and fluxes. Collected by Sebastiaan Luyssaert is described in the Luyssaert et al. 2007 paper in Global Change Biology. Users are requested to cite this paper. S. Luyssaert --- Get it
Socio-economic driver maps Driver maps for GDP and population on half degree resolution. Country scale information for population for this period distinguishes between rural and urban population. GDP indicators are in MER (Market exchange rate) and also distinguish between rural and urban. H. Bottcher 2000-2020 Get it
Emission scenarios H. Bottcher 1990-2030 Get it
Meteo driver maps The dataset results from the harmonization and downscaling of the WATCH and ERA Interim datasets. It contains mean temperature (Tair), minimum temperature (Tmin), maximum temperature (Tmax), precipitation (Precip), short wave solar radiation downward (SHdown), long wave solar radiation downward (LWdown), wind speed (Wind), specific humidity (Qmean), atmospheric pressure at the surface (PSurf). Enrico Tomelleri 1901-2100 Get it
N Deposition driver maps The data-set contains 1850-2010 reduced and oxidised downward nitrogen deposition velocities obtained from the TM5, NCAR, and EMEP CTMs, as well as a synthesis data set from the ACCENT project. Furthermore a scenario for 2005-2050 based on the EMAC model is also presented Soenke Zaehle 1901-2100 Get it
LandUse Change driver maps Data is a product of the HILDA model (HIstoric Land Dynamics Assessment) processed by Richard Fuchs and Martin Herold (Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University, Netherlands) Richard Fuchs 1900-2010 Get it
Forest Age driver maps Data derived from forest inventory information 1950 to 2010 and backcasting using the method of Seidl et al. 2011 (GCB 17, 2842-2852). The data contain forest area per age class 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, ... 121-140, 140+ for 1950, 1960, ... 2010. Data after the most recent forest inventory were derived from EFSOS II projections of the EFISCEN model (UNECE/FAO 2011) Marcus Lindner 1950-2010 Get it
Crop data for Europe These are crops for EU 27 on the 1km EU reference grid based on best practise and regional crop data on NUTS2 level. The reference grid is availabe from: The crop is the crop HARVESTED in the year given. In case of a winter crop it needs to be planted in the year before. The N application is total fertiliser (Manure plus miniral) in kgN per ha.
Martin Wattenbach --- Get it
Grassland management for Europe The grassland management for Europe (0.25° x 0.25°, [29.125N ; 71.375N] x [-23.875E ; 45.375E], 170 x 278 pixels) was established after EU-FP6 NitroEurope data (as provided by Adrian Leip, European Commission Joint Research Centre). Based on regional and national statistics and a modelled part, three intensification levels (Low, Medium and High) were created. Raphael Martin 1901-2100 Get it
Long term emission database Long-term Climate Policy Scenario Results (Del 6.4) Major environmental, societal, market, and technological impacts in electronic data base format. Zipped folder includes excel file and a brief description of the data in a word file. H. Bottcher 2000-2050 Get it