Urban EC towers measure COVID-19 effect on emissions
The ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre together with colleagues managing Eddy Covariance tower in urban environments are the first to release results of a scientific study that shows a large reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in seven European cities during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 virus.
The urban flux towers can contribute to the city observatories!
AGU session cluster on Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
We invite you to submit your abstracts to an AGU Fall Meeting 2019 session cluster on Surface-Atmosphere Interactions. We encourage contributions from scientists on recent advances in the following three sessions:
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 31 July at 23:59 EDT
ICOS ecosystem protocols published in International Agrophysics
Thirteen protocols on greenhouse gas flux and ancillary measurements at terrestrial ecosystems have been published in a dedicated issue of the open-access journal International Agrophysics. These protocols describe the current agreed methodology for assessing the greenhouse gas exchange in the terrestrial ecosystem types that are most relevant for Europe.
The protocols are published in the format of scientific articles explaining the purpose and scientific background of the measurements and justifying the choice of the method. They include a general introduction on ICOS, in particular of its ecosystem domain.
The Ecosystem Thematic Centre (ETC) took the lead in writing four of the thirteen documents, lead authoring the protocols on soil-meteorological measurements (Dr. Maarten Op de Beeck), ancillary measurements (Dr. Bert Gielen), sampling and collecting foliage elements (Prof. Dr. Denis Loustau) and eddy covariance raw data processing (Dr. Simone Sabbatini).
For the practical implementation of the protocols, complementary step-by-step instruction documents were developed by the ETC, which can be found on the ETC website.
Many thanks to the ecosystem community for this huge achievement!
Find the protocols here.
28-30 March 2017 ETC Team Building Meeting in Italy

The ETC members met for three days in Italy, in Campello Alto (PG), to discuss the next activities for this crucial year in ICOS. Nice weather, good food and relaxing atmosphere helped also to strength even more the collaboration among the three countries in building and running the best possible Ecosystem Thematic Centre.
There is limited space for this class so please register early. Registrations will be handled on first come first serve basis. Travel, accommodations, and meals are the registrant's responsibility.
14 - 16 March 2017: LI-COR Eddy Covariance Workshop (Dublin)
LI-COR Biosciences is providing an Eddy Covariance Training Workshop at the University College Dublin, Ireland on 14 - 16 March 2017. This training class is designed for those new to the Eddy Covariance method. A small contribution towards costs of €50 per person will be charged.
There is limited space for this class so please register early. Registrations will be handled on first come first serve basis. Travel, accommodations, and meals are the registrant's responsibility.
Eddy Covariance Training Course
Date: 14 - 16 March, 2017, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration deadline: March 1st, 2017
School of Geography
Newman Building
University College Dublin (UCD)
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
REGISTER HERE before March 1st, 2017.
Course Objectives:
- Understand eddy covariance theory, experimental design, and applications.
- Setup, operate and maintain a complete CO2/CH4/H2O eddy covariance system.
- Process raw flux data using EddyPro/SmartFlux2, and FluxSuite monitoring server tool.