Instruction on co2 turbulent fluxes

Download the last version and the previous versions of the Instruction on Eddy Covariance CO2, Energy and Momentum Turbulent Fluxes. This Instruction is based on the following ICOS protocols:

  • Schmid et al., 2013. “Protocol on Sonic Anemometer use at ICOS-Ecosystem Sites”
  • Aubinet et al., 2014. “High frequency concentration”
  • Rebmann et al., 2016. “Flux-Station Site Setup including complementary measurements”

and published in:
Rebmann C, Aubinet M, Schmid H, et al. ICOS eddy covariance flux-station site setup: a review. Int. Agrophys. 2018;32(4):471-494. doi:10.1515/intag-2017-0044

The Instruction document can be cited as:
Sabbatini, S., & Papale, D. (2017). ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Turbulent Flux Measurements of CO2, Energy and Momentum (Version 20240119). ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre.

Instruction document history and download

Changes respect to the pr​evious
20240119 download...
Added an important remark on the SmartFlux2 Annex on the selection of variables to be included in the ICOS files.
Added details and recommendations on the new LI7200-102 flow module. Added info on maintenance for filter clogging and intake tube cleaning.
Added an Annex on the configuration and management of the SmartFlux2 logger.
Added the need to specify if magnetic or true North; clarified the timing of factory and field calibrations of the sensors; added recommendations to not use Gill PCI for SmartFlux2 users.
Added information on the O-ring sealing the sensor head and tube in order to reduce the risk of water entering in the cell. Added information of the maintenance and on the need to switch off the sensor for certain operations.
Better defined the volume where the inlet of the IRGA must be placed respect to the sonic. Clarified that variables related to an external pump, if used, can be collected at lower frequency.
Changed maximum uncertainty in the calibration gas to 4 ppm; added information about the wind sector to be excluded; clarified the link with the BADM groups for the different info. Clarified and changed the reason and limits for pressure drop in the IRGA cell.
First version

doi: 10.18160/qwv4-639g

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